

IISEE Newsletter No.89 issued on Jan 18, 2013


  • The 18th Global Seismological Observation Course started
  • UNESCO / IPRED: International Platform for Reducing Earthquake Disasters
  • IISEE Seminar
  • Synopsis of Master Paper on IISEE website
  • Information from an ex-participant


1. The 18th Global Seismological Observation Course started

The 18th Global Seismological Observation Course started on January 16. Eight participants
from the following seven countries participate in this training course: (in alphabetical order)
Armenia, China, Cote d'Ivoire, Egypt, Pakistan, Solomon Islands, and Zimbabwe.
We have the first participant from Cote d'Ivoire, and the IISEE have participants from 99

countries in its history.
Ms. Vorian Maryssael, Director of the International Monitoring System Division (IMS)/
CTBTO and Ms. Natalie Brely, Chief of the Monitoring Facilities Support Section of the
IMS/CTBTO kindly attended the opening ceremony, and presented lectures on the CTBT
regime and IMS.

Tatsuhiko HARA
Chief Research Scientist, IISEE

2. UNESCO / IPRED: International Platform for Reducing Earthquake Disasters

The IISEE is promoting the International Platform for Reducing Earthquake Disasters

(IPRED) that was newly established by UNESCO as a platform for collaborative research,
training and education in the field of seismology and earthquake engineering.
IISEE acts as the "Centre of Excellence" of this Platform since its establishment in order to
formulate an international network and a collaborative system to dispatch experts to an
earthquake stricken country in order to carry out post-earthquake field investigations and
draw lessons for future risk reduction. IPRED members act based on the 15 Action Plans
formed at the first meeting in Paris in 2008 and meet every year (2009 Turkey, 2010
Indonesia, 2011 Chile, 2012 Japan and this year in Egypt in May).

Shoichi ANDO
Director, IISEE

3. IISEE Seminar

IISEE Seminars will be held as follows:

March 5, 9:10-10:10: Prof. Masumi Yamada (Kyoto Univ.)
Topic: The Slapdown Phase in High Acceleration Records of Large Earthquakes

March 7, 9:10-10:10: Dr. Masanobu Shishikura (The National Institute of Advanced Industrial

Science and Technology)

March 22, 9:10-10:10: Prof. Shunichi Koshimura (Tohoku Univ.)

April 1, 9:10-10:10: Prof. Mitsumasa Midorikawa (Hokkaido Univ.)
Topic: Damage of buildings caused by the 2011 off the Pacific coast of Tohoku Earthquake

April 5, 15:30-16:30: Prof. Fumihiko Imamura (Tohoku Univ.)

Venue: IISEE Hall

Seminars by these researchers are being arranged:
Dr. Chimed Odonbaatar (Research Center Astronomy and Geophysics Mongolian Academy
of Sciences)
Prof. Francisco Jose Chavez Garcia(Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico)
Dr. Pulido Nelson (National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention)

4. Synopsis of Master Paper on IISEE website

Last September, 23 participants of the 2011-2012 course from 14 countries completed their
Master Papers and were awarded master's degree in Disaster Management. In the following
website, the synopses of their Master Papers have been added.
Website: http://iisee.kenken.go.jp/syndb/
Please visit this page and read the synopsis of the fruitful work of each participant.

Head of Administration Division, IISEE

5. Information from an ex-participant

It has been informed us that an ex-participant has published a book related to seismology and Earthquake

engineering. We are very glad to know his activity and expect to get more information about the activities
of the ex-participants. 

"Evaluación de la amenaza sísmica en Nicaragua, Conceptos y aplicación" by Mr. Edwin Nadir Castrillo
(Editorial Académica Española: 49.00 €, June 2012)
Mr. Edwin Nadir Castrillo (Nicaragua, 2006 S-course)

Toshiaki YOKOI
Chief Research Scientist, IISEE


We send this IISEE Newsletter to ex-participants whose e-mail addresses are known. The IISEE send you new information actively and accept your contribution at any time. In order to enlarge our IISEE network, we'd like to ask you to invite your fellow ex-participants whose e-mail addresses are unknown to us to join us. We welcome your comments about the IISEE Newsletter. Please feel free to send us your comments and opinions.

Email: [email protected]
website: https://iisee.kenken.go.jp/en