

IISEE Newsletter No.72 issued on Sep 22, 2011


  • IISEE Annual Training Course 2010-2011 has finished
  • Study Trip Report of affected areas in Tohoku
  • Ex-participant in Pakistan received PhD degree


1. IISEE Annual Training Course 2010-2011 has finished

The 51th Annual Training on Seismology, Earthquake Engineering and Tsunami Disaster Mitigation courses (so called Regular Course) cooperated with GRIPS and JICA, which started in October 2010 was finished on September 16th. The 20 participants from 10 countries were awarded master's degree in disaster management. As of September 16th, the total number of ex-participants of IISEE reaches over 1,500 from 97 countries and regions. This year 11 women participated in the course within 20 and have experienced shake of March 11 in Tsukuba. After returning to their own countries, they are expected to play active roles in the fields of seismology, earthquake engineering and tsunami disaster mitigation.


Head of Administration Division, IISEE

2. Study Trip Report of affected areas in Tohoku

As we informed in Newsletter No. 70, Participants of Tsunami Disaster Mitigation Course visited some coastal areas in Tohoku region in July.

Furthermore, from September 5th to 7th, 15 participants of Seismology course and Earthquake Engineering course visited Sendai city including Tohoku University, Ishinomaki city, Onagawa town and Minami-sanriku town which were affected by the March 11 earthquake and tsunami. English reports of Study Trip by participants of T course and S and E course can be seen in the following sites:


Toshihide KASHIMA

Senior Research Engineer, IISEE

Yushiro FUJII

Senior Research Scientist, IISEE

3. Ex-participant in Pakistan received PhD degree

It is our pleasure to announce that the former IISEE participant, Engr. Khan Shahzada (2006-07, E-course), was accepted for his PhD degree for the research on "Seismic Risk Assessment of Buildings in Pakistan (Case Study Abbottabad City)" from the University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar, Pakistan.


Chief Research Engineer, IISEE


We send this IISEE Newsletter to ex-participants whose e-mail addresses are known. The IISEE send you new information actively and accept your contribution at any time. In order to enlarge our IISEE network, we'd like to ask you to invite your fellow ex-participants whose e-mail addresses are unknown to us to join us. We welcome your comments about the IISEE Newsletter. Please feel free to send us your comments and opinions.

Email: [email protected]
website: https://iisee.kenken.go.jp/en