The Second China Seismic Building Course has started on June 8, 2010.
This course is carried out as a part of "Human Resource Development Project
on Earthquake-Resistant Structure" conducted by JICA as a supportive
reconstruction measure in response to the Sichuan earthquake disaster in
China on May 12, 2008
This is a two-month training course, and this time we invite 20 participants
from all around China. They will study "Seismic Resistant Design" and
"Seismic Evaluation and Seismic Retrofit" in the IISEE for two months. They
are expected to disseminate the antiseismic technologies into all over
China, which they will acquire in this course.
Head of Administration Division, IISEE
The AGU Chapman Conference on Giant Earthquakes and Their Tsunamis was held
from May 16 to 24, 2010 in Vina del Mar, Valparaiso, and Valdivia, Chile.
This conference commemorates the 50th anniversary of the giant 1960 Chilean
earthquake and tsunami.
I (Y. Fujii) joined this conference and gave the poster presentation
entitled" Tsunami Source of the 1960 Chilean Earthquake inferred from Tide
Gauge Data". It was great pleasure to meet three ex-participants (Prof.
Segio Barrientos and Dr. Jorge Quezada from Chile, Dr. Marino Protti from
Costa Rica) of the IISEE's training courses. After the conference, I
participated in a field trip in Chuyaquen, Maullin, Ancud (Chiloe Is.) to
observe tsunami deposits corresponding to the historical events.
Yushiro FUJII
Research Seismologist, IISEE
We send this IISEE Newsletter to ex-participants whose e-mail addresses are known. The IISEE send you new information actively and accept your contribution at any time. In order to enlarge our IISEE network, we'd like to ask you to invite your fellow ex-participants whose e-mail addresses are unknown to us to join us. We welcome your comments about the IISEE Newsletter. Please feel free to send us your comments and opinions.
Email: [email protected]